Art Meditation Journal
Hello Beautiful Soul! This is an invitation to explore looking at and experiencing art in a different way—to contemplate art as a form of mindful meditation that allows us to better understand it and ourselves. Much like mindfulness, art invites you to step into the present moment, unplug from your everyday concerns, and focus deeply on the object in front of you. Engaging mindfully with art can help you experience and appreciate it more fully. It might also help you gain some of the broader benefits of mindfulness. It can be a profound experience to spend such a long amount of time with a work of art. Just be together—like you would sit with an old friend. After you spend time simply noticing the details and noticing your own reactions to an artwork, journal what you experienced.
This simple, no-cost journal will help you keep track of your meditations and the art that inspires them. It has numerous pages to log your experiences, as well as several pieces of art and inspiring quotes, to help you get into the meditative head space. And once it's full, you can simply print it out again and have a new journal.
Hi There! I am L. Dolphin Brown, an international artist who had my whole world turned upside down when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2017. I underwent major surgery and 6 months of chemo. In remission, I found myself having crippling panic attacks. The fear of cancer coming back was so overwhelming that I could barely cope with day-to-day life. That's when I leaned into meditation. I am not an expert, but I know what meditation has done for my life. I hope you will find this journal helpful in reducing stress in your life. And if you do, you may want to check out my meditative art. Namaste!!